Photo by Daan Verhoeven

The U.S. Freediving Federation (USFF) is part of the worldwide underwater federation, the CMAS organization. 

Started in 1959 by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and recognized by the International Olympic Committee and UNESCO, CMAS comprises over 130 federations including the United States as one of the charter members. CMAS is a prestigious organization dedicated to the development of all underwater activities and sport disciplines on a worldwide basis.

The U.S. Freediving Federation is the youngest member of the CMAS family and happy to help continue the legacy started by Mr. Cousteau.

“From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free...”   

— Jacques Yves Cousteau

Our Mission

The mission of the U.S. Freediving Federation is to bring awareness to freediving across the United States and support the efforts of all those that engage in the sport, whether it be for self-exploration and adventure, therapeutic benefits, or purely competition – in the safest manner possible.



Jeremy Stephan at one of our events. He is the founder and executive director. He helps grow the reach of this organization and create an impact for people wishing to take on free diving.

Jeremy Stephan

Founder & Executive Director


Christina Sours

Fundraising Director, 2024-2025


The US free diving federation takes safety very seriously. Of course we also have a medical director to supervise any injuries and to keep our team safe. Our members only page also provides medical advice for extra safety guidelines

Dr. Juani Valdivia

Medical Director


Talya Davidoff

Team Captain, 2024 - 2025


Francesca Koe

Technical Director, 2025-2026


Sara Saito

Social Media Manager
