Recently, while out with a few freedivers, during a conversation about CMAS competitions, the most common question that arises is one about surface protocols.
Freediving is the underwater sport most likely to win acceptance as an Olympic sport, according to Anna Arzhanova, head of World Underwater Federation (CMAS).
Venice, CA, April 17, 2018- Freediver and tech entrepreneur Jeremy Stephan will announce the formation of the U.S. Freediving Federation (USFF) at the CMAS General Assembly Meeting in Phuket Thailand this week.
With a foam noodle supporting his neck and another beneath his knees, his wife, Brittany, towed him into position while one of three judges decked out in bright yellow rash guards clipped him onto a rope that disappeared into the deep darkness below.
Since the USFF is my creation, I decided it would be important to communicate how I started in freediving and what led to establishing this organization. It’s been an interesting journey and one that I hope will inspire you in some way.